During the summer I am looking to teach black girls in South London how to play chess.

Black teenage girls don’t play chess at all so I’m looking for 10 girls to teach. If you would like your daughter to try it please contact me through my enquiry form here.

forest hill chess club south east londonDo girls like playing chess? Yes, of course! But more girls need encouragement to play by more parents. Then more might give chess a try. It’s not necessarily about your child’s inability to play chess. That situation is temporary and can change after just a few lessons.

Over the years so many studies have been conducted that shows the benefits of chess and the fact that it will strengthen a child’s mental clarity and overall health.

Read this report called “Chess: A Learning Tool” complied by Steve Sawyer which outlines why we should teach chess and the value of chess in schools.

Teaching South London girls to play chess this summer really is about sharing & spreading the word. I appreciate you adding this to your Facebook page, tweeting it and sending it to any teenage girl that you think would benefit from playing chess. They can always bring a friends.

I really want to persuade parents to encourage their daughters to just give chess a try.