There are many benefits to teaching your child how to play chess. Do you have any idea how chess helps children?

I often share a number of different ways through my Twitter account @chessbootcamp so I thought why not add 15 different ways here for you. Hopefully, this will give you an insight into why chess is such a great thing to teach children.

15 Ways Chess Helps Children

Chess stimulates creativity & engages the mind. Showing children how to take steps one at a time, to complete tasks.

Chess helps with the early education of children aged 6+ so more parents are growing to like the idea of their children learning to play.

Playing chess teaches children the skills they need to make better choices. They’ll also learn to problem-solve & plan moves step by step.

I’m a great believer in teaching children how to learn effectively. I also explain to them how listening is much better than talking.

Most reports about chess highlight why the game maintains a positive image in some of our minds. Chess is becoming popular it seems!

chess helps children

Even if you had trouble learning or playing chess as a child doesn’t mean that your child will have trouble learning or playing chess now.

To help improve children’s memory, children should learn how to play chess.

Shouldn’t more parents encourage their children to have a go at chess? This might improve their social interactive skills.

Do girls like playing chess? Yes, of course! But more girls need encouragement to play by more parents. Then more might give chess a try.

Playing chess is an excellent way for children to practice and develop their problem solving skills.

Listening; looking; learning. Chess helps to develop these important life skills. Skills that all children need for adulthood

chess for children

I’ll say this as often as I feel I need to, “children should learn chess.” Yes, I know you can hear me, but will you act on this?

Playing chess helps with imagination & creativity so, “children should learn chess”



If you are interested in your child(ren) attending chess classes, click the link to find out more – chess academy classes.

School may be ending now but I always have different things happening so get in touch. If you are a school interested in running chess classes starting September 2014 I would love to hear from you via my enquiry form.