by Richard Weekes | Jul 22, 2014 | chess for children, Uncategorized
There are many benefits to teaching your child how to play chess. Do you have any idea how chess helps children? I often share a number of different ways through my Twitter account @chessbootcamp so I thought why not add 15 different ways here for you. Hopefully, this...
by Richard Weekes | Mar 29, 2012 | chess for children, Uncategorized
Would you like to your child(ren) to learn how to play chess? This is a great video that shows you how to play chess and provides chess middle game tips. We run chess clubs in South East London <== click the link to find out more
by Richard Weekes | Mar 22, 2012 | chess for children, Uncategorized
The Origin of Chess is Obscure: Where did chess come from? Was it invented by a single person or did it evolve over time? Many eminent chess historians have been fascinated by these questions. While there is considerable controversy over the facts, the most widely...
by Richard Weekes | Mar 15, 2012 | chess for children, Uncategorized
Chess is a great game, which is why I’m so passionate about running chess clubs for children in London. It’s been one of the oldest board games in the world for over 1500 years now. It has a long and noble history and was probably developed from the Indian...
by Richard Weekes | Mar 13, 2012 | chess for children, Uncategorized
When we teach children chess at our SE London clubs we focus on the importance of etiquette and manners when playing the game. This is your chance to find out a little more about this great game and how to behave towards your opponents and show good sportsmanship...
by Richard Weekes | Mar 6, 2012 | chess for children, Uncategorized
When I started my first chess club for children in Royal Greenwich I made a decision to keep the cost of each class low because I wanted to include as many children as possible and 7 years later they’re still low. One of the things I sometimes say on Twitter is...