When we teach children chess at our SE London clubs we focus on the importance of etiquette and manners when playing the game.  This is your chance to find out a little more about this great game and how to behave towards your opponents and show good sportsmanship when you play. If you’re looking for a chess club for children in South East London <== click here

Downham Chess Club South East LondonBelow are 7 chess etiquette tips for children playing the game.  When it comes to playing chess there is as much that you should never do as there are things that you should do.  DO remember your manners! Chess is a game for two people, and there are some things you must not do, out of fairness to the other person.

  1. Do not touch any of your men before you move. One of the rules of chess says that if you touch a man you must move it (if this is possible). So think carefully first, without touching, and only when you have made up your mind about which move you want to make, go straight to the man, move it to the square you want and let it go.
  2. If you need to touch a man to put him properly on its square for example, you should give a warning of what you are about to do by saying “j’adoube” (say: “zhadoob” it’s French for “I touch”) or just say “I adjust”.
  3. Never touch the board or put your fingers on a square to help you think. You must train yourself to work out your moves in your head.
  4. Do not fidget or do anything to distract your opponent when it is her turn to move. Don’t take anything out of your pocket and start playing with it, and never speak to your opponent or ask her a question while she is thinking. If you must move about, good chess manners allow you to get up quietly and walk around to stretch your muscles.
  5. Never take moves back and never ask to change a move because “it’s not what you really meant.” Once a move is made it must stay made, even if it is a horrible blunder.
  6. Never show impatience, no matter how long your opponent takes to move. Sit quietly or, if you must, leave the board till your opponent has moved or – best of all – use your time to study the position of the chessmen some more and work out what is going to happen.
  7. Never complain or make excuses when you lose. Nobody likes a bad loser. This does not mean you should not try to find out why you lost as talking about that with your opponent could help you play better next time.

Chess is a great game that teaches children the importance of fair play, discipline and playing by the rules – all things that will serve them well in life and while attending school.  Our chess clubs take place at various locations throughout South East London. Call me, Richard Weekes, on 07538 035896 or click here to complete my enquiry form and I will call you.